Holistic Healing for Acne

In person (South Denver) and Distance programs available

By Diana Dannelly - December 10, 2019

What is acne exactly?
 Acne is a toxic condition of the lymphatic fluid due to a congestion of filtering organs and potentially an imbalance of hormones. If you have sought traditional Western medical treatments at the dermatologist then you already know that these treatments do not address the cause and are therefore not long lasting solutions. Typically these drugs and creams also carry many negative side effects. 90% of clients that come to me for their acne or skin conditions have already exhausted their options with the doctor and the other 10% are simply not interested in in Western treatment due to research and talking to their peers. 

Finding the cause
First, it is important to understand the CAUSE of the acne in order to properly heal this condition. Using Chinese mapping facial analysis, food sensitivity scanning, and getting a full medical history is where we start this process. Whether you are local and can visit my Lone Tree clinic location in person or are out of the area, I can help!

Holistic Acne Program 
My program consists of an initial intake and testing phase with follow up appointments either in person or via phone/video chat once a month. For true healing in the skin to take place, it takes patience and consistency. Natural medicine is a slower process because the body takes time to come back into balance - especially if you have had acne for a longer period of time. The protocols I create consist of a combination of nutrition, herbal medicine, supplements, homeopathic medicine and non-toxic skin care products. I am conscious to work with your budget to design a program that is both affordable and effective. 

As the body comes back into balance, fewer medicines will be needed and the protocol becomes less involved. Detoxing the filtering organs including the liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and lymph helps clear the proper elimination channels so that your body isn't pushing the toxins out through your skin - causing congestion and bacteria gathering at the pores which then creates a blemish.

If the acne is hormonal in nature, balancing your hormones naturally is also an important step. I achieve this through a homeopathic protocol which works on your HPA Axis (Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Adrenal Axis), reproductive hormones, peptides and enzymes which act as catalysts for hormonal production and balance in the body. Your hormones are chemical messengers responsible for an abundance of communication in your body. This communication cycle is negatively impacted by diet, toxins, stress, poor lifestyle, chemical exposure and so much more.

Working with a Naturopath on your skin will benefit your entire body. I often find clients have other health issues that they did not realize are affecting their skin; therefore during the process, many of your other symptoms may also be relieved.

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