Thyroid Long Term Maintenance
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  1. If you have questions about this protocol, you will need to make an virtual appointment with DMD Natural Medicine. Due to legalities we are not able to answer ANY protocol questions or engage in giving out wellness advice over the phone or via e-mail. Anyone with questions will need to become a client, have a paid virtual appointment, sign our waivers and fill out full wellness questionaries with a full medical history before we can engage in ANY discussions.
  2. FDA Disclaimer. These protocol kits are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These kits do not replace getting medical advice from a licensed doctor. The products in these kits are not FDA approved, though some of them are FDA registered.

Description: Congratulations! If you are here, your thyroid has been brought into range and you are ready for low dose maintenance. This kit will help support long term thyroid balance.

Warnings: none
